Discharge Toolkit

Families receive lots of information when their child is discharged from the PICU, and keeping track of all of this information can feel overwhelming. The discharge toolkit is meant to help you organize the information you need for your child's post-PICU care. 

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Your child may be on a number of medications after they leave the PICU. You can print out this sheet to keep track of what medications your child is taking. Use the notes section to write down details like why your child is on the medication, how long they have to take it for, and when and how they should take it. 

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Use this sheet to keep track of follow up appointments for your child, such as with their pediatrician, physical therapy, or at a disease-specific clinic.



When you go to your follow up appointments, be sure to bring:

  • DISCHARGE PAPERS (the papers they got when you got to go home) because it might also help your doctors understand what happened to you in the hospital

  • A LIST OF MEDICATIONS (names and doses) that your child is taking

  • A LIST OF YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS and why you’re seeing them

  • A LIST OF YOUR SYMPTOMS or any new problems you’re having (trouble with coordination, movement, strength, trouble concentrating, feeling sad, not sleeping, etc.)

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important phone numbers

Use this form to keep important contact information you might need, such as the number for your child's doctor and your local pharmacy, all in one place.

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Use these pages to take notes throughout your child's PICU stay. These notes might include things you want to remember, important test results, or questions you have for your child's care team.